Shubop-Dubay-Had: The No Matter Watt PreQuel

Cabaret & Variety · gordon stephen matheson jr · Ages 16+ · United States of America

world premiere
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June 21, 2022 certified reviewer

What I liked

The message. The performances. The songs. You can feel Gordon’s heart throughout the show.

What I didn't like

Although it stands on its own, and has a sense of completeness I would like to see the full version of the previous show to see how everything fits together.

My overall impression

This was a beautiful and engaging show. Gordon uses music, dance and storytelling to deal with the topic of addiction and recovery. Yet, it is uplifting, with the postive messages of hope, self love and redemption.

The performers were lively and the music positive and upbeat.

Gordon show is a plea to spread more love and understanding, delivered in an entertaining way.

Great show

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