Teaching a Robot to Love (the Musical)

Musicals & Operas · doubleclicks productions · Ages 8+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere
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June 15, 2022 certified reviewer

What I liked

Lots of things! It’s wonderful to tell a positive story about transitioning without having to be preachy because, I mean it’s about robots after all. A lot of the songs are really excellent, particularly “Normal Human Party” and “Totally Platonic Friendship.”

What I didn't like

A few things that I think are just a factor of the time constraints: we never really hear anything else about Nanotropolis after the opening song, Mary kicking out Marsh felt like a strange reversal, Lavender becoming their friend at the end seemed sudden: we just needed a few lines from Xander’s character saying “hey don’t be so hard on her she is struggling” or even a “I’m sorry I’ve been evil” song. The finale seems sudden too just because the show doesn’t remind us that it’s summer all the time and that time is passing and then people will move on with their lives, so having the finale be about that was confusing. Likewise solving the main crisis of the show with a tap on the head by a badminton racket was just… fast. There was no “I am now the internet” song or “yes we really want you to come home” song for that matter to wake up Marsh. I would love if a future version of the show got another 20-30 minutes to flesh out the ending. Still it was fantastic!

My overall impression

It was excellent! Loved the theme, the message, the music, the cast!

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