
Confessions of a Former Boy Detective

Theatre Asylum · Ages 13+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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confessions of a former boy detective


August 13, 2021 certified reviewer

What I liked

Very pro performer, who never makes a misstep. Very interesting story, which holds attention for a full hour. Both are the work of the same person!

What I didn't like

Shaggy dog story winds down, rather than up. Never learned the aftermath of his stabbing, which he apparently survived—-but how? Lighting IS odd, as another reviewer noted, but it enhanced the experience for me.

My overall impression

Here’s one of the perennial pleasures of Hollywood Fringe: Fresh Talent on the Hoof, waiting for you to discover him before (hopefully) he has the pro career he deserves! Zack Rocklin-Waltch, a real-life USC student, has concocted a quirky but personable persona around which to wrap an hour-long shaggy dog story which he propels like a seasoned pro! Not everything works, but Almost everything does!
Not many tickets left for the (only) two remaining shows, but you’ll be glad you went! I was!

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confessions of a former boy detective