The characters Azo created bring the story alive. I could truly imagine each and every person she interacted with and the pictures shown at the end just solidified my experience. I enjoyed being part of her small group of “Americans,” and could feel the comfort she garnered from being a part of that group. Her use of humor helped us understand the ups and downs of integrating herself more fully into the culture and community. I feel as though I traveled with her.
What I didn't like
This was the first time being in a theatre with REALLIVE humans! It was exhilarating. This exhilaration tended to overtake Azo and have her lose her place in the story. I am certain that through continued practice and performance, these rough edges will soften and the performance will be seamless. It is already such a strong performance!
My overall impression
Azo is a fabulous actress! She takes us to Maroc and back, dropping pebbles along the way for us to follow her adventures. Her show is inspirational, heartwarming and enjoyable.