Once Upon a Tango - The Show Must Go On

Dance & Physical Theatre · gd tango dance company · Ages 4+ · United States of America

family friendly
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JULIETTE FRIEDGEN certified reviewer August 25, 2021
tagged as: Imaginative. · creative · dazzling
Argentine Tango is usually thought of as a serious dance so the fact that Once Upon a Tango includes many comic moments was a great way to break the stereotype. The energy of the dancers was dazzling as was the creative way the small space was used. ... full review
KIM BLIDE certified reviewer August 22, 2021
tagged as: Sensual and moving
Beautiful and moving. I want more!... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer August 25, 2021
Once Upon A Tango is a romantic, funny and exciting show! The dancers were amazing and I loved the story! ... full review
FABIANA PASCALI certified reviewer August 24, 2021
Excellent show... We absolutely loved it!... full review
once upon a tango - the show must go on