Two Person Show · studio pci · Ages 16+ · United States of America

Going Down takes place entirely in the freight elevator of an uptown Manhattan apartment building when two very different, misguided but well-intended souls get trapped GOING DOWN.

Marina Gold, an uptight, ready-to-snap, high-profile personal assistant and Randy Thompson, a laid back, jaded, rock musician hiding out from the general public find themselves desperately clinging to the false realities they’ve created when an overloaded freight elevator repeatedly threatens to drop them to their early deaths.

Suspended in mid-air with a fire below and their damaged lives above, Marina and Randy find themselves unraveling in a space where time and circumstance do not exist, where danger and harsh reality are inescapable and where pushing every single button may be the only way to stay alive.

Learn More at studiopci.com

Production Team

austin rapp *


brooke procida *

actor. writer. producer

* Fringe Veteran