A one-act comedy by Alan Ball
Directed by Jared Boghosian
Over a ‘power lunch’, a highly ambitious couple battle for power and control of their relationship even though they’ve just met. The play takes a satirical look at sex, gender and relationships in a society that values image over personal integrity.
A slightly unstable woman and a high-powered, egotistical man meet for the first time on their lunch hour. Both are successful business professionals with notoriously bad track records at connecting with the opposite sex. When their sexual attraction takes control, the two begin a hilarious game of tug-of-war that turns gender stereotypes inside-out and the modern “American Dream” into an absurd hallucination.
Downtown writes, “[Ball] demonstrates a painfully lethal awareness of the convoluted games our generation has been consigned to play after we decided 20 years ago that we wouldn’t play any more games.”
The cast includes Maddison Bullock as Woman, Joel Flynn as Man, and Michael Fillipone as Dorothy/Donald.
The production crew includes Joel Flynn, Maddison Bullock, Jared Boghosian, and Michael Fillipone. lighting; scenery; choreography; . is the production stage manager.
Produced by Easily Distracted LLC and Maddness Pictures LLC at the Complex Hollywood 6472 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90038
Preview: Friday June 7th @ 10:30pm
Opening Night: Thursday June 13th @ 10:30pm
Show 1: Saturday June 22nd @ 8:30pm
Show 2: Sunday June 23rd @ 10:30pm
Show 3: Thursday June 27th @ 6:30pm
Show 4: Sunday June 30th @ 12:30pm