Public Domain: The Musical

musicals and operas · hyperbolic media/running song productions · Ages 13+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere
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June 16, 2019 certified reviewer
tagged as: irreverent · surprising · hilarious

What I liked

The Pea/Margaret absolutely stole the show, but really the entire ensemble was fabulous. Kudos to everyone, creators and performers alike on this fresh and unique look behind the scenes in hero-finding!

What I didn't like

I liked the inclusion of one character that became public domain simply because the creator never copyrighted it, but it wasn’t a familiar character to me (all the others were) and I guess that was the point but I got stuck wondering if it was a real character or something ridiculous just fabricated for the show. Also, a couple of the jokes (while side-splittingly funny to me) were just a toe over the line into the realm of politics, making them less universally accessible to general audiences.

My overall impression

From the nostalgia of familiar music from recognizable movie sources (not yet in the public domain) setting the stage for what was to come, to the hilarious presentation of auditioning public domain characters, “Public Domain: The Musical” kept me entertained and fully engaged for the whole experience! In the tradition of Fractured Fairytales, the show blends a clever interplay between traditional Hollywood archetypes and new takes on public domain characters (some unexpected), designed to maximize laughs—and it delivers! There’s even a fun twist at the end. The performers were all-in with true-to-character earnestness that made their songs even funnier. The pacing was quick, the music up-tempo, and the lyrics groaningly good. Thank you for a truly enjoyable time!

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