
The Color Collective

cabaret & variety · Color Collective Media Inc · Ages 18+ · United States of America

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the color collective


June 07, 2019
tagged as: comedy · Race · funny · diversity · improv · sketch

What I liked

The standup routine was definitely the highlight as that felt most confident in its delivery as well as a few of the sketches that wasn’t so focused on hammering the point when it came to the topic of race. In terms of sketches, the final sketch of the evening was a much needed knockout. Despite the writing being weak in a number of them, the actors all committed 110% to their given materials.

What I didn't like

The very nature that most of the performers were PoC means that there can be freedom to not have so many sketches INTENSELY focused on race and using that as its entire reasoning for existence. My biggest issue is that despite the valued need to talk about these issues, the sketches often use them as the source of the joke and just rely on that, which often came to a flat end. There were also minor technical issues when it came to the mic but this is judging only the preview performance.

My overall impression

Vibrantly acted sketch comedy with a tremendously diverse cast that deals with topical racial & gender issues to various levels of success but overall, an all-around fun experience.

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the color collective