
The Mayor's Debate of Tranquility, Nebraska

RAH Productions · Ages 15+ · United States of America

world premiere
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the mayor's debate of tranquility, nebraska


June 08, 2019 certified reviewer

What I liked

It has plenty of big laughs, some from well-crafted jokes and others from well performed character decisions. It’s fast-paced and keeps you engaged. It leaves you with questions (in a good way), both about the show and broader than that.

What I didn't like

Obviously anyone who’s seen the promos (like me) will know there’s another element to it, but it could be nice to make it more of a surprise by saving it for the debate instead of revealing it in the opening scene. That scene has some good laughs, but given the nature of the show I was expecting it to go right into the debates. There’s still enough of a hint about being civil that it wouldn’t come entirely out of left field but would still be more of a shock than it is now.

My overall impression

Hilarious! Great writing and performances. It has a unique angle that elevates it above the typical political commentary. Made me think about some big questions afterward, such as what does civility really mean?

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the mayor's debate of tranquility, nebraska