
The Mayor's Debate of Tranquility, Nebraska

RAH Productions · Ages 15+ · United States of America

world premiere
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the mayor's debate of tranquility, nebraska


June 06, 2019 certified reviewer
tagged as: comedy · Horror · Sci Fi · politics · occult

What I liked

Jim Hanna took no cheap shots in his critic of Multi Media Political Discourse.
And the entire cast was excellent. They reminded me what the words “ensemble cast” really mean.
The script & the blocking offered a recipe & stage for easy opportunity grandstanding or “show stealing” but, each and every actor served the story FIRST & were supportive of each other.
This is the highest compliment any actor can receive in my, kinda, humble opinion.
Oh…and its really funny.
I laughed a lot!

What I didn't like

The verbal pace could be slowed down a tad as I feel Jim’s writing is so rich that I missed a couple jokes.
Note: I’m not that sharp so it could have just been me.

My overall impression

Jim Hanna explores the horrific nature of the False Left/Right Paradigm that divides America and pits each of us against the other in a perpetual Theater of self destruction.
The “self” meaning ALL of us.
Jim is extremely well read & has a deep vocabulary and Multi disciplinarian knowledge of the memes that keep us from understanding that (capitol G) Government and Media are really what divide us, not our diverse ways of life & worldviews.
Jim Hanna takes NO Cheap Shots against “the other” but rather explores the “horror” & gives us a hint as to the Demon that is The Media that we, almost literally, kill each other over as the Demon grows in power & each of us sacrifice our friendships and community for fleeting notoriety or power or virtue signaling.

Lorne Michaels could use writers & actors like Jim Hanna if he ever hopes to bring his Saturday Night Shit Show back to its glory days.

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the mayor's debate of tranquility, nebraska