I love how this breezed into a conversation about racism without feeling labored or super depressing. Of course there are tons of moments that just make you cringe, and this could have easily been an hour of that, but it wasn’t at all, it was actually really endearing and interesting. It makes you remember that we are all just people, even those of us who are pretty wrong headed, but we need to engage in conversations to move things in a better direction, not just condemn and reject. This show addresses past wrongs with a real compassion and it’s amazing how Jonathan pulls that off. I’m pretty sure everyone in the audience wants to be his new best friend, myself included.
What I didn't like
I don’t know… I really loved this. The time flew by. And I loved how he spoke to us as himself at the end and gave a window into his process and motivations behind creating this. Wait… this wasn’t the “what I liked” part… oh well, I liked it all I guess.
My overall impression
Brilliant, charming, and hilarious. Jonathan is a terrific entertainer who engages in a deeply uncomfortable piece of popular history in a manner that is thoughtful and thought-provoking while still being terrifically funny. He’s starting important conversations while rising above the mean-spirited and reductive tropes of caricature of those who came before him.