Enerjoyce: Evolution of a Pisces Baby Boomer

solo performance · 1950 · Ages 18+ · United States of America

one person show
dark comedy
adult themes
drug use
one person show
rock n roll

ENERJOYCE: EVOLUTION OF A BABY BOOMER is a one woman, multi-character, multi-media show written & performed by Joyce Fidler and directed & developed with Jessica Lynn Johnson. The show traces the life of an effervescent woman whose rambunctious and impulsive life choices lead her through the sex, drugs and rock & roll that define her generation. After moving to LA at age 40 Joyce finds her way to sobriety, a career as a public school teacher and a life of purpose. It is a story of redemption from a 69-year-old firecracker who inspires others from her own generation and the whippersnappers she meets.
Joyce is blissfully married 20 years to the much younger Paul with grown daughters living in Calabasas and Sydney, Australia. She has one beloved granddaughter, age 5.

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran