Stand Down the March

ensemble theatre · naomi brodkin & matt pacult · Ages 13+ · United States of America

world premiere
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ABBY WILLIAMSON certified reviewer June 17, 2018
I really enjoyed Stand Down the March. The production overall was very good (actors did a great job), but the stand out to me was the writing. It was the perfect balance of smart, funny and topical. The show really made me think, and that's all thanks for the great script.... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 18, 2018
tagged as: college · Nazi · Millenial
In Stand Down the March, a metaphorically lost college student discovers that her college professor is a Holocaust denier and her fight to get him fired helps her find herself. The premise promises intellectual discussion and debate, but since the play focuses mostly on the college-age characters, we spend more time dealing with their millennial question of "who am I?" than the broader more intense issues the story teases. The script is beautifully written by Naomi Brodkin and was expertly acted by the cast that smartly balanced humor and drama.... full review
EDWARD GOODMAN certified reviewer June 18, 2018
I'm really glad folks are swinging at big issues these days. Freedom of speech, handling differing points of view, private vs. public, etc. I thought Naomi Brodkin did a good job of creating full characters that aren't just stage mouths reciting agenda points (a pitfall of this genre of story, I think). Because of this, when the consequences start falling into place, you feel the effect. The Fools' main stage is BIG and this cast fills the space well. And this felt like a situation that could be happening right now in this country. The spirit of youthful optimism and the willingness to stand up for what you believe in that drives the play feels authentic. The central ideas are really "of our time." I hope this crew comes back next year w... full review