The Study

mb stage productions, llc · Ages 18+ · United States of America

world premiere
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GREGORY MARCONI certified reviewer June 18, 2018
Immersive? Really? I signed a waiver. Why? In what way was any kind of harm going to possibly come to me by just sitting in a theatre seat. I would LUV to bring creators of what people THINK is immersive to events like Blackout, Alone: An Existential Haunting, or the grand-daddy of them all, Heretic Horror. Now THATS immersive. But it doesn't have to all be horror. The Fringe event "What Went Wrong" was definitely immersive. I was the only audience member with cast moving about all around me. Even the show "Ghosts" allowed the audience of about 20 people to move about the set and the actors interacted with the audience.... full review