A unique solitary experience on the border between life and afterlife.
Winner of the ENCORE Producer’s Choice Award
Winner of the Better Lemons Critic’s Choice Award
Winner of the Better Lemons Double Sweet Award (Critics and audience)
This show is improvisational, immersive, and interactive. There are different endings depending on your actions or inaction. This show contains a plot twist, hence the scant details. It is for one person only. It may be eerie and disturbing, but is not designed to be scary like a haunt—nothing will jump out at you.
One-person audience
Located at Thymele Arts
Interactive: yes, highly
Close proximity to actors
Actors Touching you: Possible but unlikely (accidental)
You touching actors: Permitted, but hand to elbow only
Do not speak to actors
Duration: 10-15 minutes of show, plus 10-15 minutes of onboarding and decompression
Show and venue are ADA compliant: bathroom and elevator.
Expect near total darkness and a bright light flash, audio efx including disembodied voices, unusual sounds.
No nudity, no gore, no physical violence, no smoking, no alcohol, no gunfire
Roughly PG-13 rating for adult themes, language, psychological intensity, possible emotional abuse
Topics: death, afterlife, love, death of loved one, plot twist
Physical requirements of audience: movement during the show, movement in low-light situations, obeying audio instructions that might be hard to hear, standing and a short amount of walking (a few steps) during the show.
Audience members under the influence of drugs or alcohol or belligerent tendencies may not be admitted or asked to leave without refund.
If you want spoiler information about the plot or the gimmicks/tricks that you will encounter, start here: http://aaronvanek.com/spoilers-for-one-last-thing-before-you-go/.
Facebook page (no spoilers): https://www.facebook.com/onelastthingb4ugo/
Why are tickets so expensive?
This is a prodigious conundrum. Only 25 people will be able to see this show, assuming each show is booked. Again, it’s only for one person at a time. Even if we sell out all 25 tickets, we are still bound to lose at least $400 if not more. That number jumps to over $500 at least at $25 or cheaper tickets. Our hope, however, is that (25 of) you are willing to take a chance with your wallet on an extremely rare, haunting, intimate and, we hope, powerful experience.
What is the plot of this? What is it about?
We think it will be a better experience for you if you know as little as possible about the story ahead of time. However, if knowing what might happen and what this is about is critical to your purchase of a ticket, cut and paste this URL to start the spoiler process: http://aaronvanek.com/spoilers-for-one-last-thing-before-you-go/