

ensemble theatre · Looking Glass · Ages 15+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere
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June 19, 2018 certified reviewer

What I liked

I loved the depth and layers of the mom Molly. Her personal struggle to overcome her husband’s death was something I think we could all relate to. Her pain was palpable, but not contrived or forced. A layered performance that ranged from self destructive behavior to selflessly assuring she doesn’t negatively effect her daughter. Her performance tied the whole play together for me.

What I didn't like

I would’ve loved to dive further into the memories the women had shared with Molly’s husband.

My overall impression

I thought the play overall had a lot of heart. The concept seems fantastical, but the emotions felt between the characters are very real and raw. It reminds the audience that holding on to the past doesn’t allow you to move forward to a better, brighter future. Each character brought a different dynamic to the storytelling, but the three generations of women was very relatable and nostalgic of my own relationship with my mother and grandmother. Well done!!!

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