

Experimental & Performance Art · Jordan Rountree · Ages 18+ · United States of America

includes nudity one person show world premiere

About the Project

WHAT IS EPIC FAIL: Jordan Rountree presents EPIC FAIL, a 60-minute adaptation of The Odyssey accompanied by electronic music. Features original text inspired by Emily Wilson’s 2017 translation of the Homeric narrative. The performance focuses on the pains of transformation, feelings of inadequacy, and the desire to break free from the hero’s journey.

SYNOPSIS: Elpenor is the least remarkable sea-faring soldier in Odysseus’ crew. Having survived countless horrors, including his metamorphosis into a pig and back again at the hands of Circe the witch, he dies stupidly when he steps off of Circe’s roof while in a drunken stupor. The play takes place on the night leading up to Elpenor’s fall as he talks to himself, drinks alone, and deejays for the animals in the trees around him.

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Production Team

Jordan Rountree

jordan rountree *


* Fringe Veteran

epic fail