Black When I Was A Boy

solo performance · seeker · Ages 12+ · United States of America

one person show
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JACOB HOROWITZ certified reviewer June 21, 2018
I was in a fantasy dream state within the first minute of this one-man-show. I felt present among the scenery Cooper was describing. He swaps between multiple characters seamlessly and convincingly.... full review
HANNY NEWLANDER uncertified reviewer June 22, 2018
Black when I was a Boy was so brave and powerful.... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 24, 2018
brave and entertaining... full review
GREG HEDGEPATH uncertified reviewer June 24, 2018
Cooper Bates takes us on a journey through his life starting as a child through entering manhood. We get an intimate view of the pains , joys, hurts, triumphs, and a roller coaster of other emotions he experiences on his life's journey. You leave the performance somewhat spent but buoyed by the resilience of the human spirit. It's an intense beautiful performance that I recommend to anyone. ... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 25, 2018
A truly AMAZING one-man-show weaving history, life, and dozens of characters together into a seamless tapestry of one man’s journey through discovery, hurt, truth, joy, fear, and - ultimately - victory of a most profound nature. Cooper Bates opened to us his soul, and invited us to journey with him into the future by way of his often painful past - thanks for the ride Cooper!!... full review
KELVIN GARVANNE uncertified reviewer June 24, 2018
An intelligent, provocative, high energy performance that channeled Spalding Gray and Richard Pryor. Cooper used his personal story to articulate the inner truth shared by many Black men of a certain age. Cooper’s world was not always nurturing but his humor, irony, patience and poise were skillfully used to navigate him through the minefields of racial prejudice. Definitely while growing up and surely still now. Well done! - Kelvin Garvanne... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 24, 2018
Cooper Bates was brilliant and had me thoroughly riveted. His life stories were poignant and heartbreaking, while managing to weave in a good dose of humor. All and all a fantastic show! ... full review
JENNIFER CASPAR certified reviewer June 24, 2018
Black When I Was A Boy was so entertaining from start to finish. It was a funny and poignant telling of the key moments that defined Cooper Bates’s self perception. It is a telling of modern American history that powerfully conveys the impact of a racist community whose impact was felt both quietly and violently. ... full review
MAXWELL GAIL JR certified reviewer June 24, 2018
Full disclosure: Cooper Bates is a friend of mine so I am aware of his talent and thoughtful response to life. Also, I read several rave reviews of his performance and one man play, “Black When I Was a Boy.” Still, I was not prepared for the beautiful ride on which he took my son and I, along with the rest of the audience. Starting with a simple and authentic hello and launching into his personal story, soon the space was populated with indelible characters of all races, ages, perspectives. Conversations came alive with moments of touching and tear up memories and reflections...and laughs, many held in balance with the poignancy of the story, and others bursting forth uncontrollably with recognition and joy. Young athletes and old women, sch... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 24, 2018
I was so moved by Cooper Bates story and how beautifully he shared his story during the incredible one-man show, Black When I Was a Boy. Cooper Bates has done the hard work of making meaning of his suffering and turning it into art that touches others. The feelings I had while watching Black When I Was a Boy ranged from sadness to laughter. Cooper Bates' talent was apparent when watching him play the many different characters that impacted him during his childhood. He channeled his 6th grade teacher so beautifully and a few minutes later, created an opportunity for the audience to see the nuances in interactions with a peer that made room for the audience to see beyond the flaws in this particular peer. I highly recommend seeing Black When ... full review