Extremely Entertaining: A Musical War of Ideas

musicals and operas · the hour of misery · Ages 14+ · United States of America

world premiere
musical theater

A corrupt capitalist/“benevolent philanthropist” is beloved by everyone in town — except one slightly socialist-leaning townsperson. She is ostracized by her neighbors and is forcably silenced. She feels entirely alone and retreats into herself. Until! She discovers that there is another like mind in town and they fall in love. Together, they make a heavy-handed (but terribly entertaining) musical about the ills of runaway capitalism, and the town can’t help but love it. The townspeople band together and demand fair wages from the capitalist, who owns all the places of employment. The capitalist fights fire with fire and makes his own musical, hiring the best composer, lyricist, and choreographer he can afford. The songs are catchy, the lyrics clever, the dance numbers pleasing, and the town becomes confused. His lyrical ideas of trickle-down economics seem plausible, too. The no-longer-tepid socialists up the ante with another — even better — musical. Who will win the war of ideas by creating the catchiest songs, the cleverest lyrics, and the most rousing dance numbers? Will the townspeople’s minds be swayed and by whom? Ohmahgorsh!

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Production Team

* Fringe Veteran