
Coasterthon Catastrophe: An Amusement Park Musical

Jingle Productions · Ages 8+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere
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coasterthon catastrophe: an amusement park musical

Review by anonymous

June 12, 2018

What I liked

I liked the idea, the music and the characters – especially the little old ladies.

What I didn't like

I just wish it was more clear that the flubs were intentional, like in Noises Off.

My overall impression

I think the music was fun and the two ensemble members were fantastic. Brett was solid and Griffin was lively and energetic. I wish the “flubs” and derailing of the show was clearly more purposeful instead of seeming like the actors really were messing up. At some points, the flubs were uncomfortable and awkward.

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coasterthon catastrophe: an amusement park musical