Dark Arts Prelude -
When immersive theatre works for me, I tend to forget that I’m at a show. I was not at a show playing a part at the Prelude to Dark Arts, I was at a crisis management firm talking about my “crisis”. The actors in the room were no longer people I recognized, but they were “Klein and St. Jude” and they were trying to help me get sorted. I have to admit, it really helped talking it out with them. I felt better afterwards. This prelude gives you some background information about Ms. Klein and Mr. St. Jude before you see them in “Dark Arts”. You do not need to see the Prelude to understand what’s happening within Dark Arts, but if you want a few nuggets of information that most people won’t know about and/or want to just ...
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Like Lawrence Meyers award-winning production of Porn Rock on the Parent’s Music Resource Center Senate Committee Hearings in 1985, the writing is well researched—or just lived—and the comedy comes from the fact that at some point we all have encountered an Andrew St. Jude (Meyers) or two, or have been a Marcia Bradford (Elizabeth Dement) in caring far too much in a job.
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