Inspired by the true tale of Lucy Temerlin,a chimpanzee raised as a human in the home of a psychoanalyst and his wife, Chimpskin is a psychedelic fable of identity, empathy, the birds and the bees, tipsy chimpanzees, and all the ways our parents f**k us up.
Devised by an international cast for the Hollywood Fringe, Chimpskin uses movement and metaphor to honor the life of a woman stuck between worlds, evolving and devolving, taught and abandoned, before choosing her own identity.
Damla Coskun
Christian Gnecco-Quintero
Rebekah O’Kelley
Pablo Castelblanco
Frannie Morrison
Nathan Nonhof
Stage Managed by Meagan Truxal
Directed and Produced by Ben Landmesser
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