
Insuppressible: The Unauthorized Leah Remini Story

musicals and operas · tbd · Ages 12+ · United States of America

world premiere
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insuppressible: the unauthorized leah remini story


June 24, 2017 certified reviewer

What I liked

I especially liked that even for someone (like me) who doesn’t know all the details of Leah Remini or Scientology, it was enjoyable, funny, easy to follow, and really fulfilling. Some really fun lyrics, and some good pop music to support it.

What I didn't like

I think it is great as a short show and doesn’t need any more.

My overall impression

Loved this show! It was a real journey for the lead character – not just wacky and silly (although it certainly was) but also emotional and heart felt. The entire cast was fantastic – and the direction and innovative costume and prop design was stellar. Bravo to all!!

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insuppressible: the unauthorized leah remini story