paul yen · Ages 18+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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Review by A D

July 09, 2017 certified reviewer

What I liked

As the show got going you saw him relax into the various rolls. It was a nice evolution of his own reality w/ what he was playing. I especially liked his use of the Joker character. And the timing of him at that point of the play couldn’t have been better.

What I didn't like

Not much.

Now it’d be interesting to see a young Asian woman’s modern day perspective on her society norms.

Secret Identity Part II perhaps?

My overall impression

Paul Yen realized his nearly decade dream w/ Secret Identity going from pen to live stage performance and I was honored to witness it last night. He captured the modern day Asian man’s struggle to find his own unique identity w/in media by drawing from his own experiences, referencing history, and sprinkling in just the right amount of humor and audience interaction to make the hour flow by nicely.

The show reminded me of seeing a young Will Yum Lee in a similar venue when he first started. Paul Yen’s performance in Secret Identity was powerful, poignant, and refreshing without the glibness so many Asian (American) characters normally receive by Hollywood.

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