I loved this spin on the Jack the Ripper mythology. It’s told from his mistress’ point of view through the years. From the 1800’s through present day. She travels all over the world, meets some well-known people and ultimately, makes bad decision after bad decision. We see the heartbreaking journey of Victoria (played by Summer Stratton) meeting a man, tortured by him, falling for him, and in my opinion, being strung along throughout the centuries. Since she first met Jack (played by Zachary Guzman), he’s always just toyed with her. He kept her alive in his basement just wanting her to die. Then, when she overcame that, he would kill just so she would have to be alone and feel nothing except for him. Is it true love or delusion? When we see people in abusive relationships, we always ask them “How long can you live like this?” and for Victoria, her answer is “Forever”. Sigh…