Narsociety - The Social Media Shaming Musical

musicals and operas · chris valenti entertainment · Ages 16+ · United States of America

world premiere
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LORI KELLER certified reviewer June 16, 2017
Narsociety - The Social Media Shaming Musical, takes you on a hilarious, toe-tapping, poignant, realistic, and at times uncomfortable ride through the trending world of social media and its collateral damage. It brings front and center the ugly side of social media, particularly our society's penchant for making mountains out of peccadilloes. It is not for the humor impaired. As you journey with Carlos and Sadie through the ups and downs of a burgeoning romance now made public, you will laugh (maybe nervously) at the tame and the shame of our online reality: selfies, hashtags, food and pet photos, relationship status changes, over-sharing, passive aggressive malcontents, trolling, political correctness, mob mentality bullying, public... full review
LAUREN SIMON certified reviewer June 25, 2017
Narsociety is a musical filled with wonderful and controversial songs, wonderful dance numbers and very talented actors. I really cared about the main characters and their love story set in this thought-provoking satire on the effect Social Media has on our lives and the misunderstandings it can create. I highly recommend this show for an Encore performance as I want to see it again and it's final performance was very early in Fringe! I saw the Preview and I know some changes have been made since then, especially to the last number, and I would love an opportunity to see the updated version. This is a show that has created a lot of buzz and with some tweaks deserves to have a long run. (As I said, I saw the Preview and these tweaks may have... full review
GARY BOOHER certified reviewer June 10, 2017
tagged as: original musical
Probably the best new original full-length musical this year at the Fringe. The book is solid, the songs are catchy, the choreography is cute, and the dancing is energetic. This show has a solid foundation and will be even better with some technical and recasting polish. The female leads are stand-out singers (Bonnie Kolber and Sarah Spiegel) while the male leads are more goofy and sometimes charming non-singers. The back-up performers are energetic and fun to watch. Recommended for Encore after more finesse.... full review
PATRICK CHAVIS la theatre bites - podcast certified reviewer June 16, 2017
7.2 out of 10 Average Show. Click below for more info. full review
DOM MEYERS uncertified reviewer June 09, 2017
Chris Valenti has taken a book out of Trumps playbook and uses catchy tunes and fancy video projections to distract from his underlying message of misogyny and justification of bad behavior. It's easy to get caught up in the energy of the performance because the cast is giving it their all but it is important, especially in these times, and with PRIDE just around the corner, to RESIST this dated way of thinking and push toward progress. Examples: He equates the feminist movement to the "internet trolls" who violently threaten to rape and kill women. Once the female love interest actually starts to show independence and strength, she breaks up with her best friend, who encouraged these new traits, and goes back to her ex-boyfriend. ... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 05, 2017
Overall, It was too long and expensive for the amount of entertainment it provided for it's audience. I don't recommend it. There are way better things to spend $20 on.... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 05, 2017
The show was very self-indulgent and didn't do a great job of playing to it's audience. The performers were not great and it's not worth the $20 for the ticket or the 2 and a half hours of time wasted. I do not recommend it. ... full review
ANONYMOUS uncertified reviewer June 06, 2017
This musical made me so mad, I don’t even know where to start. Whether it’s the lack of creativity, the failed attempt at humor, the misogyny, or the fact that every number ran about twice as long as it should have, Narsociety is not for anyone seeking an enjoyable, entertaining experience. On the surface, Narsociety is a commentary on modern life’s dependency on technology, mainly exploiting social media and connectivity apps. The clever title and catchy tunes are merely masks for the underlying message and themes of the show which are either offensive or just plain ignorant. ****Spoiler alert**** The story follows a struggling cartoonist who swoons a young naïve woman through an online dating app (naturally). He lands a lucky mee... full review