Nothing Bad: A Werewolf Rock Musical

musicals and operas · theyplayed productions · Ages 13+ · United States of America

world premiere
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ANONYMOUS uncertified reviewer June 09, 2017
First off, no "werewolves" ( i'm sorry, a bad Elvis wig does not a werewolf make) Second, there was no "rock" in this "rock musical." Third, " nothing bad?" They are wrong on that score too. Talk about a misleading title... (*Place eye roll emoji here.) What I liked, Jake Saenz and Lexi Eisermen were both excellent, I would say the cast overall was extremely committed, and made a noble effort with varying degrees of success. But as for Jake and Lexi, I would be eager to see them in anything else. Now for the bad. I agree rape song was awkward. Not ill-intended. Just ill-conceived - and not because rape shouldn't be addressed on stage, but because the way it was clumsily plopped in the middle of this horror satire (?) during which, ... full review
PAUL ELLIOTT certified reviewer June 05, 2017
A great effort and a great concept.... this had all the elements for a Reefer-Madness kind of kick and fun... but fell short by trying to drag 50 minutes of real show to 90 minutes. ... full review
ANONYMOUS uncertified reviewer June 23, 2017
Seriously good time all around! Cast on point throughout, loved everything they did from cheese opening to super dark ending. Just super super SUPER SUPER (repetition 'cause so. damn. good.)... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 09, 2017
major red flags and lack of skill with the handling of the topic of rape... very disappointing. The music is catchy and fun- a few of the songs were delightful enough that it'd be exciting to hear them again and get to sing along-- the opening Few minutes give us a nice setup of the show and the idea of a town where Nothing Bad happens is just a fun and engaging idea to work with! Strong cast with great vocals and awesome harmonies. The tracks need to be quieter so the actors can be heard. The show invites audiences into an ongoing conversation about desire, often taking us on a journey where sexual desire is explored- particularly desire for something aggressive. And this is where it gets problematic... the B plot line of the sh... full review