A finely crafted, sharp, well-paced play with excellent writing and performances....
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uncertified reviewerJune 06, 2016
The performances were fantastic! These two wonderful actresses used the space they had to fill in so much thought provoking story. Also, the writing is wonderful. If you want to see a great show this Fringe Fest season, go see Disrupted!...
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It's a worthwhile play to watch. The audience was riveted and followed along with the highs and lows. I was invested in the characters. The writing is fantastic. It set up both sides to argue for what they believed was right without feeling preachy. ...
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This show was an amazing new perspective for those who know little to nothing about adoption and 'disruption'. I was captivated the whole time. I really loved that it wasn't a story that took sides, but let each woman be right in her own way- as is the case in life so often. The acting was superb, the story was top-notch. ...
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I loved this show. I appreciated the complexity of the two female characters, the stellar performances by both actresses, and the intrigue of the writing. I appreciated the fact that the playwright didn't succumb to tying everything together in a nice bow at the end of the play....
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Get ready to go for a journey on a truth raft. You might not recognize the port of embarkation, a story of an adoption that was disrupted, but the raft will take you through the lands of grief and abandonment, love and hope – the familiar rather than the foreign. If you have a heartbeat, the rapids you pass through will reflect your own experience in life, giving you the opportunity to pause and reflect about how good a human you are/would be when faced with the same life events in the story.
Fantastic writing, and amazing acting. Go see this!
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