
The Human Test Subjects

Don't Ride the Reindeer Productions · Ages 21+ · United States of America

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the human test subjects


June 07, 2016 certified reviewer

What I liked

There is some really lovely and clever bits in this show, which demonstrates quick minds as well as talent on the part of the performers.

What I didn't like

But honestly most of the ‘improv’ had a hard time getting going.

My overall impression

Personally, I think I’m spoiled because the only improv artists I usually see are those who’ve made it into something like stardom. Which is not fair. It is as if the only actors you’ve ever seen are the likes of Helen Mirren, Alan Rickman, etc. performing established classics! So I had to adjust myself a bit to the freshness and relatively unpolished nature of this troupe. Once I did, I had a very nice time indeed!

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the human test subjects