
Gilda: A Tribute to the Beloved Comedienne Gilda Radner

solo performance · Helena K Cosentino · · United States of America

one person show
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gilda: a tribute to the beloved comedienne gilda radner


June 19, 2016
IMPORTANT NOTE: We cannot certify this reviewer attended a performances of this show because no ticket was purchased through this website or the producer has not verified they attended.

What I liked

This show is special. Not only does the actress perfectly recreate each of Gilda’s iconic characters, but her joy for the subject matter in general is practically palpable. She lights up the stage and room for the entire performance. I was laughing and crying and loving every second.

What I didn't like

I sincerely loved it.

My overall impression

Excellent technique from the performer and production. Wonderful story. Very entertaining- funny, sweet, sad in the right way. Ends on a lovely and uplifting note.

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gilda: a tribute to the beloved comedienne gilda radner