Recipient of THREE Hollywood Fringe Festival ’15 awards, the Scherzo Theatre Company proudly re-mounts the original production “8:03” at the Bootleg Theater.
The world is well-ordered and predictable.
The food is good and everything runs on time; 5 PM turned into 6 PM, 6 PM turned into 7 PM, 7 PM turned into 8 PM.
The bell dings. The system begins.
But, this time, the predictable gives way to flying gloves, cookie jars, tribal drums, and a brewing storm at sea.
It’s 8:03 and the world is changing.
An original, three-man piece where circus, farce, and the absurd meet to create an unusual world that includes exciting physical performances and original music. Come experience this touching story of encountering the uncomfortable. Created and performed by Jakob Berger, Adam Dlugolecki and Kent Jenkins.
All ages welcome & don’t be late. Parking is very difficult during the Fringe Festival, so please plan accordingly.
Bring 3 coins.
-Combined Artform’s Pick Of The Fringe ‘15
-Most Unleashed Production ’15
-The Encore! Producers’ Award ’15
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