BREAKING BARD posits one of humanity’s greatest, most enduring questions: What if television’s “Breaking Bad” had been written by William Shakespeare? The Porters of Hellsgate present the most lamentable tragedie of Walter of Albuquerque: containing his treacherous plots, his pitiful murther, his tyrannical rise to power, and most deserved death.
Breaking Bard will star Porters’ resident playwright and Associate Artistic Director Gus Krieger as the villainous Lord Walter, with resident artists Kate O’Toole as his Lady, Skyler, and Jesse James Thomas as his squire, Jesse. A very special chorus will be provided by Evan Lipkin. Critically acclaimed director Drina Durazo, of The Group Rep Theatre, will helm the production.
The following gifted actors will round out our cast, each in a variety of roles:
Thomas Bigley
Matt Calloway
Dana DeRuyck
Sean Faye
Jonathan Medina
and Timothy Portnoy
Due to the very unforgiving time constraints for all Fringe shows, Breaking Bard has a strict NO LATE ADMISSION policy. Please, please, please get to the theater early. Traffic can be rough and parking can be worse, so plan accordingly.