BEYOND - Unemployed. Finally.

solo performance · written and performed by heather r. dowling · Ages 13+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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July 07, 2015
IMPORTANT NOTE: We cannot certify this reviewer attended a performances of this show because no ticket was purchased through this website or the producer has not verified they attended.

My overall impression

“”Unemployed. Finally!” A Comedy Whirlwind Of Hysterical Witticisms From Heathers R. Dowling!”

Written By Lorenzo Marchessi
One of the most exciting things about the Hollywood Fringe Festival is the chance to see new and fresh talent, plays, playwrights, ensemble groups, performers, acts, music, dance and so much more. It’s also very exciting when a comedian like Heather R. Dowling takes the stage and explains it raw – explains it true – and explains ‘slices of life’ with such ironic accuracy – that it makes you laugh out loud – mainly because her stories might hit you a little close to home.

She bills her one-woman show as “….it took 30 jobs in 30 years, but she’s finally doing what she wants…” – and believe me, if even half the stuff she says is true, finding a job, getting a job, keeping a job and even losing a job has never been funnier! Written and of course performed by Heather, this is a very personal journey with very hysterical takes on her life, loves and careers – yes careers – she has had over the past 30 years.

Her talent is not only in the clever writing of the piece but her ability to personify in actions, words and in voice some of her friends, family and bosses she has had. They are sharp, very funny and always a surprise with their very distinct personalities and quirky quirks.

Director Jessica Lynn Johnson did the best thing a director can do when directing a one-woman show, she allows Heathers own style and personality (and personalities) to shine in their own space. Jessica staged it perfectly for the whole audience not only to see her movements and characters well but also to separate the various sections of her life physically as well as the various aspects of her jobs she has had.

The best parts for me were her two ‘inner voices’. One voice is more practical/logical and one voice is more wild and whimsical in their way of thinking. Heather of course in the middle arguing, debating, justifying or explain her choices to one or the other. You know we all can relate to those inner voices and her cadence and voices she creates are hysterical!

Nothing is held back from friends, family and certainly not the somewhat mean or dimwitted bosses she has had. Even some personal setbacks and her relationships are an open book. Everything ending is such a charming and very funny way that draws the audience in for a very good time.

Again, there is nothing like experiencing the rawness of a comedian live on stage and when you see Heather R. Dowling and her one-woman show poor her heart out of some very easily relatable experiences, her wit, charm and her every-so-accurate commentary of life around her – “Unemployed. Finally…” is just comedy supreme on a very personal level. Make sure you take your family and friends with you when you see her – you’ll be comparing all your past jobs after the show I am sure. You really will! Look for her on Facebook too! Check the festival out at and tell them Lorenzo sent you from !

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