

musicals and operas · Common Good Productions · Ages 16+ · United States

world premiere

About the Project

Fueled by booze, the elixir endemic to so many of life’s greatest stories, Drunk Tank: The Musical, set in an unnamed but all-too-familiar temporary holding cell, combines the musical stylings and existential musings of a cast of broken-down characters and misfit renegades. It’s unclear whether any of them will in fact learn something from their police-mandated adult time-out, it is clear that they are bound to break out, quite frequently, into song. Prepare to enjoy the dark, hilarious journey of a group of drunks who are forced to put whatever their real life journey may be on hold, for at least a brief moment…or forever…because it may just be the end of the world. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll spin. By the end of it all, you might just want a drink or ten. Come and join us behind bars for Drunk Tank: The Musical!

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran

drunk tank: the musical