After a SOLDOUT sixteen week run in 2012, everyone’s favorite princess comes back to life in Snow White-The Musical. The Smiley Face and The Frown Entertainment Group presents a newly revised, family friendly, rendition of their ever so popular musical. Based on the original Grimm’s Fairy-tale, Snow White and friends take the stage in a hilarious adventure where danger lurks around every corner. Originally written and produced in Iceland, the American version mystifies and captivates its audiences. The Evil Queen is throwing a tantrum over not being the fairest in the land and takes to the forest with her trusty mirror in search of Snow White. Snow’s heroic best friend and servant to the palace, Henry, joins forces with a misfit group of dwarves in an effort to keep Snow White from harms way. Puppetry, acrobatics, song, and dance breath new life into one of our most cherished stories of all time. Everyone becomes part of the show in this remarkable tale that is fun for all ages.