Magnum Opus Theatre Presents

the magnum players · Ages 16+ · United States of America

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June 22, 2014 certified reviewer

My overall impression

Oh Magnum Opus Players, how you astound. I think perhaps your mission statement is askew, of though you purport to re-enact the least desired screenplays in history, this performance of Star Crossed Lovers must surely represent a hidden gem of the lost classics of Hollywood. The cast was riveting in each and every case and but especially the you ingenue Amber, portrayed by the ever amusing Heather Schmidt. But LO, stealing each scene she graced was the venerable C.J. Merriman, not even the thick prosthetics and can upon can of Aquanet™ could hide her beauty. I do not wish to spoil any details of the intricate, twisting plot (like a windsock at the airport) but sufficed to say it’s a real nail biter! Will she? Did she? Can she? Has she? The fringiest theater of all, the show within two shows, and so you should GO! fearless reader. Guided by the Liberace of the stage himself, Thurston Eberhard Hillsboro-Smythe, these thespian master craftsmen and women did squeeze the very juices of life from the lean script. Always a pleasure to see the understated and dashingly handsome Eric Curtis “Checkmate” Johnson, here fulfilling as many as 3 separate roles, each indistinguishable from the other. And Troy Vincent, rescued from whatever monk-cave hermit hole he’d been hiding in, shines in two roles so diametrically opposed that one may fail to recognize him. The always reliable Colin Wilkie is as handsome as any actor has a right to be and uses his charms to great affect. True also for Erin Holt (you can see lots more of her at, Marian Gonzales (my Friend, Marian) and the toast of Pasadena, Mr. Jaime Robeldo (Stoneface director, Taco Lady) himself. Lastly, and certainly nary the least is the tour-de-force performance of Michael Lanahan, who transcends not only stagecraft but life itself by doing his own stunts and fight scenes. Over all, a thrilling, intoxicating evening of theater. Not to be missed!

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