Magnum Opus Theatre Presents

the magnum players · Ages 16+ · United States of America

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June 16, 2014 certified reviewer

My overall impression

The only thing you need to know is that this is an actual (bad) screenplay that got submitted to a real Hollywood producer. The Magnum Opus players always do a fantastic job no matter which funky script they’re skewering. They have single-handedly raised the slush-pile cast off to an art form. Having seen Magnum Opus many times over much of my amusement comes from observing new audiences react to what they’re seeing. The shock and awe they express while witnessing these talented thespians bringing to life EXACTLY WHAT IS ON THE PAGE never gets old for me. At the show last Saturday people were unable to contain themselves and more than once blurted an incredulous “WHAT?!?” at the stage.

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