Magnum Opus Theatre Presents

the magnum players · Ages 16+ · United States of America

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RUTH SILVEIRA certified reviewer June 14, 2015
If you are not yet acquainted with Magnum Opus Theatre treat yourself with this show. It is the best yet. There is a Magnum Opus style of playing that illuminates, illustrates, the.....idiosyncrasy, shall I say, of the script, and this ensemble accepts and revels in it. That is the only way to go. Come and enjoy. ... full review
RUTH SILVEIRA certified reviewer June 15, 2014
Want some fun? Go see Magnum Opus! A very bad movie script performed by excellent actors in their own unique style. Result? Delight.... full review
EMILY DONN certified reviewer June 13, 2015
I've been attending Magnum Opus shows for years, and this is one of the best they've ever done. The hilarity was never ending! Seriously funny and crazy entertaining!... full review
AARON FRANCIS certified reviewer June 13, 2015
Magnum Opus Theatre and the Magnum Opus Players are truly exceptional. They perform theatrical magic and verbal gymnastics every time they perform. To get so much comedy gold out of a script that most people would have put down after reading a page is astounding in and of itself. But how they turn bad grammar, terrible spelling mistakes, and a substandard script with poor writing and confusing plot twists into solid gold is something you do not want to miss. Believe me when I say that if you've never seen Magnum Opus Theatre before that you've never seen theatre like this. I cannot recommend you go see this highly enough. ... full review
ADAM HAHN certified reviewer June 13, 2015
Hilarious! I've seen a few editions of Magnum Opus, and they've all been fun. The Yearbook is something very special. Excellent, quick staging, a and tight ensemble giving everything they have to a terrible screenplay.... full review
SILVIE J .CAREY certified reviewer June 14, 2015
BEST OF FRINGE!!! This script is so awful, it's brilliant! I am so glad I finally got to meet the MAGNUM OPUS Players, I am a fan!! - What different, hillarious, awesome theater! Loved the YEARBOOK, will recommend it to everyone, probably go see it myself again. And will definitely follow up on the Magnum Opus Players in the future. You are friggin' fantastic, so much fun!! :-)... full review
JAIME ANDREWS certified reviewer June 14, 2015
Non-stop hilarity from an incredibly deft group of performers. Great concept with pitch-perfect delivery. Highly recommended!!! You won't believe it!... full review
BENJAMIN SCHWARTZ certified reviewer June 17, 2015
I have never laughed harder, and longer from start to end. This show is pure brilliance. This is like "The Room" of theatre. It is so painfully hilarious listening to, and seeing this atrocious script. Anytime that Magnum Opus selects a new script, I am there. I cannot highly recommend this show enough. If you want to sit back and cry from laughter for a solid hour, then go to this show.... full review
JENNIFER HERMAN certified reviewer June 16, 2015
It's the most hilarious thing you'll see all year! ... full review
GRAHAM SKIPPER certified reviewer June 17, 2015
I honestly haven't laughed this hard at the the theatre in a VERY long time. A horrible screenplay performed word for word, comma for comma, by fantastic actors - it's brilliant. Really really fun and I can't recommend it highly enough!... full review