No actor pleases me as much as NINADONATO. If you stuck her in a dinghy, in the middle of the ocean, alone, and gave her no other direction but to row for forty minutes — no dialog — she would have you spellbound.
NINADONATO plays the part of MARY, and I found it excruciating waiting for her to make her entrance. (Pausing, for lengthy amounts of time, isn’t healthy for this piece.) But enter she does and before they finish dressing the stage, you can feel you are in MARY’S home. Why? Because of Nina’s body language, and, the futzing around she does with the flowers “MARY” just picked from her backyard garden. No dialog, and you are there. What follows is energy and realism. An actual person: Jayne’s Mom.
Than you, Nina.
My other nod goes to the lovely girl who does the ringtones for the cell(s), helped with the props, and set dressed. I can tell you have “it”. you will go far in this business we call Show. Thank you, too.