Delilah Dix-Americas Showgirl

comedy · what a bunch of dix inc. · Ages 16+ · United States

Delilah Dix, star of many Lifetime Television For Women’s presentations, such as “My Secret Life as A Clown” and “The Face In The Frying Pan”, is in jail for smuggling an orphan in an endangered Koala skin over state lines and is pleading her case to get out of jail and back to the stage and to her fans! Join Delilah, her parole officer and her pianist, Crispy(that’s his name, right?) on a trip down memory lane from her first audition to her current state as showbiz’s biggest, brightest, currently disease free superstar! Written by Amy Albert, original music by Cody Owen Stine and directed by Peter Michael Marino.

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran