EXORCISTIC: the Rock Musical Parody Experiment

musicals and operas · orgasmico theatre company · Ages 17+ · United States

world premiere
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Review by JASON DALY

June 30, 2013 certified reviewer

My overall impression

I’m afraid this is not going to be a particularly cogent or insightful review. Unfortunately, that’s not really possible for me. I think Exorcistic was probably quite clever and funny, but I’m not really sure. The reason? The terrible sound mix. There just wasn’t enough space in such a small theater for a heavily amplified band. Even though they had microphones, the singers were drowned out to the point where the lyrics were largely indistinguishable to me. I feel like I only caught about 1/3 of the show. Very frustrating. If this moves to a bigger venue, the sound levels might work, but not where it was.

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