Immersive & Games · club mb productions · Ages 16+ · 1hr · United States of America

Content Warning family friendly world premiere

TRYY is a groundbreaking immersive fitness theater production that transforms the traditional theater experience into an interactive workout session. Attendees aren’t just viewers; they’re active participants in the unfolding drama.


As audience members step into the space, they enter into a dynamic atmosphere where they’re invited to join in the workout routines alongside the characters. Led by a cast of fitness trainers and performers, the audience becomes fully immersed in the high-energy narrative, engaging in exercises while experiencing the story firsthand.


Through exaggerated stereotypes and comedic elements, TRYYcreates a lively environment where fitness meets entertainment. The interactive nature of the show ensures that participants feel connected to the narrative, blending theater and physical activity in a unique and exhilarating way. It’s an unforgettable experience where audiences not only watch the drama unfold but actively contribute to it, making each performance a truly immersive and memorable event.

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran