Shadows of a Girl

Solo Show · mahja & dahja · Ages 16+ · 1hr · United States of America

one person show world premiere

SHADOWS OF A GIRL follows a woman during the last four weeks of her mother’s life. Uprooting dreams and memories of her own, she is faced with some delightful and some horrifying revelations. While living in the shadows of her past, this everywoman witnesses pieces of herself divide and multiply into feather-like fragments, holding onto only a bare thread as she waits for all those parts to settle. It’s a profound snapshot into the life of a woman teetering on the edge and her journey back to wholeness.

Being on the edge at the top of a steep place is not only predictable but scary. Many will inevitably make the climb up to that steep place at least once in their lives, and even more will inevitably teeter on the edge, peering over into the abyss.

I am still that little girl in the shadows, longing for the way home.

“It was a moment of becoming one with all her other selves, past and present. It was a moment of reckoning of how she fit into this world. When she came back this time, she no longer felt the need to fly.” – Through the Looking Glass: Shadows of a Girl

Production Team

zoë papia 


lucinda papia  


* Fringe Veteran