
Schizophrenia is Funny

Solo Show · Alyssa Scholl · Ages 13+ · United States of America

Content Warning one person show

About the Project

“Schizophrenia is Funny” is a comedic solo show about the most hilarious topic there is: severe mental illness! I tell the story of my experience with schizophrenia through act outs, character monologues, direct to audience storytelling, lots of original songs that I sing and play live on ukulele (one of which is on electric ukulele I might add), a puppet show about how I once believed everyone was a puppet, a Hamilton style rap about how I once thought I was Immanuel Kant, plus much, much more! And don’t worry, before you ask… Yes, I will be doing a cartwheel on stage. To find out why, you’ll just have to see the show! If you do, you’ll get to learn all about antipsychotics, and mental hospitals, and you might even see me solve a Rubik’s cube in one minute or less! (You definitely will). On a more serious note, you’ll also learn how, while it’s derailed my life completely, schizophrenia actually saved my life too. That part is a little dark, not gonna lie. But to lighten things back up, we’ll have a sing-along to end the show, with everyone belting at the top of their lungs, “Schizophrenia is Funny!”

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran

schizophrenia is funny