Mr. Chai Tea Dates the World: An Interactive Dating Gameshow

Solo Show · n/a · Ages 21+ · United States of America

Content Warning Pay What You Can world premiere

Dating. The backbone and bane of human connection. For those weary of online dating, embracing singlehood, or seeking entertaining date ideas, then look no further! This show caters to everyone, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, or relationship preferences, I got you covered! Using my mixed martial artistry of performances with comedy, poetry, and improv, I’ll introduce different interactive games and devices with topics on the spectrum of romance, loneliness, self-worth, masculinity, sexuality, all depending on how you, the audience, would like to see. That’s right. YOU decide how this show will go and end.


All are welcome whether you’re here for a potential date or looking to wingperson for a friend in need!



Chai is a 27-year-old autistic 3rd-gen Thai-American born and raised in Los Angeles. By day, he’s a nerdy mechanical engineer. By night, he’s a spoken-word artist in stand-up and poetry. He has seen shows on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO, and Crunchyroll. He carries games wherever he goes and enjoys milk tea.


Things Real People Have Said About Him:

“Chai is a masterful storyteller and a virtuoso in vivid depiction, threading that ever so delicate balance between the hilarious and heartfelt.”

~ Christian Perfas


“One never knows what or how he will reveal his inner mechanics, but when he does, he delivers every time.”

~ Arianna Basco


“Down for an adventure even before he knows what it is.”

~ Gabriella Jeane Noblejas de Asis


“He is so handsome.”

~ all the grandmas


“He’s aight.”

~ Cheog, younger brother



~ Kris, elder brother

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran