
The Fairy Who Cried Gems

Solo Show · Lily Abha Cratsley · Ages 13+ · United States of America

Content Warning one person show

About the Project

ADDED SHOW – Thursday, July 11 at 8:30 pm with Post-Show Discussion

The Fairy Who Cried Gems is a one-woman show exploring how we can build joy out of legacies of trauma. Lily Abha Cratsley serves as the storyteller, presenting a collection of folktales inspired by the lived experiences of Indian women growing up in the United States. This love letter to her little sisters is often fantastical, sometimes verbatim, and always honest. Join us at The Madnani Theater this June for an immersion into the oral history of Desi-American girlhood.

Follow along on Instagram @thefairywhocriedgems!

CONTENT ADVISORY: frequent profanity; smoking; references to racial microaggressions

Production Team

Lily Abha Cratsley

lily abha cratsley *

playwright & performer
Nick Diaz

nick diaz *

sound advising
Prahlaad Das

prahlaad das *

original music

* Fringe Veteran

the fairy who cried gems