Girls Can Dismantle Fascist Dictatorships, Too

Comedy · 4 the gurlz · Ages 12+ · United States of America

world premiere

American high school students Lottie and Ruth want to prove to their narrow-minded teacher that women can fight in the war by going to Europe and doing just that. They embark on adventures across the continent in search of Lottie’s sister, an agent with the Office of Strategic Services (the precursor to the CIA), and take down Nazis along the way. Each mission they take on is based on the very real missions that the women of the OSS accomplished during World War II. There were so many incredible and courageous female spies who helped win the war and were subsequently forgotten by history. All their stories deserve to be told, but for now, Lottie and Ruth’s journey symbolizes their heroism and badassery.

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran