Fun Characters


solo performance · molly fite · Ages 13+ · United States of America
"Little Tiny Orphans" is a one woman show written and performed by Molly Fite. Directed by Julie Brister. A true story of a naive and earnest Jesus Freak on a mission trip to Bucharest, Romania in the summer of 2001.
"Little Tiny Orphans" is a one woman show written and performed by Molly Fite. Directed by Julie Brister. A true story of a naive and earnest Jesus Freak on a mission trip to Bucharest, Romania in the summer of 2001.


comedy · urban bird productions · Ages 13+ · United States of America
What is love? Do we have soulmates? Is a woman more likely to be killed in a terrorist attack than marry after 40?! Why is Cupid such an asshole? Award-winning writer Kathy Fischer explores love from all angles in this hilarious multimedia comedy that will change the way you think about love.
What is love? Do we have soulmates? Is a woman more likely to be killed in a terrorist attack than marry after 40?! Why is Cupid such an asshole? Award-winning writer Kathy Fischer explores love from all angles in this hilarious multimedia comedy that will change the way you think about love.