Chairman Barnes


chairman barnes · June 13, 2016 certified reviewer
This moody & atmospheric two-hander is fascinating. Two near-strangers wind up masterminding an outlandish blackmail scheme in the span of about 48-hours. But, in the aftermath, they have to learn to trust each other and decide what is the value of a human life.... full review

Punch and Judy

chairman barnes · June 13, 2016 certified reviewer
"Mindless violence" was not invented by movies or video games but goes back thousands of years. And never was it more entertaining than in this Punch & Judy show.... full review

The Rogues Gallery

chairman barnes · June 13, 2016 certified reviewer
Alison is a unique and highly entertaining personality. While "my bad relationships" is something of a trope in the solo performance genre, this show is fun and extremely quirky. The best moments in the show, however, are how Alison reacts when things go slightly off the rails.... full review

Slightly Dramatic

chairman barnes · June 11, 2016 certified reviewer
This confessional cabaret is an interesting, and occasionally heavy, dissection of a driven artist's psyche. However, these dark tales of trauma only serve to provide entry to the artist's "processing" them in a delightfully twisted manner through music and comedy. ... full review


chairman barnes · June 10, 2016 certified reviewer
If you love musicals and campy 80's movies set in a dystopian future (Circuitry Man, Cherry 2000, Ice Pirates, Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone) you'll love Thug Tunnel.... full review

A Little Hamlet

chairman barnes · June 10, 2016 certified reviewer
Shakespeare fans and the uninitiated alike will enjoy this lightning-fast re-telling.... full review

The 7th Annual One-Man Show World Championships

chairman barnes · June 10, 2015 certified reviewer
From "lights: up" the laughs start rolling with little reprieve during this hour-long send up of self-indulgent artistic excess. Playwright/actor Jim Hanna has distilled the soul-baring one-man show down to its essence and drunk deep of the refined liquor to find the answer to the question: "Are we making art or are we just jerking off?" Setting the scene within the framework of an arts competition kicks the pretentiousness into overdrive as each performer tries to out-do each other's misery on... full review

It's the Prom!

chairman barnes · June 06, 2015 uncertified reviewer
I really wanted to like this show. I really did. On the surface It's the Prom has everything you would hope for in a Fringe show. It is a risky experiment in theater mounted by a group of adventurous young performers. Sadly, the experiment just doesn't work. Ostensibly a parody of the 80s teen comedy genre, the piece appears to be largely improvised around an outline of a plot with a few preset gags. (I attended a preview and was not given a program so I do not know if there is a playwrigh... full review


chairman barnes · July 02, 2014 certified reviewer
Though no mention is made of the Kinsey Scale, this play is rooted in the premise that sexuality is fluid. The playwright, Brandon Baruch, deftly guides his characters into discovering the things they didn't know they wanted. While it could come off as manipulative and contrived it ultimately does not. And, the play's decisive moment unfolds in a very delicate, charming manner. Adding to the mix is Jessica Hanna's direction, which is superb.... full review

Death By PowerPoint

chairman barnes · July 02, 2014 certified reviewer
I found the show rather tedious. The actors were all very good but the material was sadly lacking. The plot tasks the characters with creating a presentation to "destroy a cherished belief". From there each in succession wandered farther and farther afield. Albeit, some funny moments are scattered throughout and light is thrown onto certain dysfunctional cultural obsessions, but it isn't enough to sustain the plot. ... full review